Sunday, January 23, 2005


An aquantaince once asked me
Is intelligent a curse
Or is it a blessing
I just smiled and say

Whatever is given by God
Is definitely a blessing
Else why is wisdom so much talked about
It's a gift no money can buy..
No armour can take it away
That's the true blessing of God

Across the centuries
In every nation
Wise men In every civilization
From Socrates to Plato
From Confucius to Solomon
Each Magi is spoke about
Even until today.

They ask the policymaker
They challenge the system
They answer the common questions
They probe the mysteries of the earth and the sky
They dwell in the darkness of the endless search
They'd do anything
To get to the bottom of things

What else can bequeath a man
Other than an obvious answer
That others can't find
Or one that they refuse to accept
-An answer that's stark naked at their faces?

Strip me apart
Rob my possessions
But with a gift from Almighty to the heart
It will always remain within.

That - is the most precious gift on earth.

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