Saturday, November 12, 2005

The draft

I wrote this on the 12th November....which I saved as a draft and now the person which I spoke about is already gone:

I just came back from the hospital after visiting my uncle who is now bedridden due to the
cancer of the lung.His condition is deteriorating ; very obvious since the last time I visited him last Sunday. Looking at him , I felt a great sense of lost and sadness - he isn't the Papak I knew before. My uncle was never a man of many words , but he is a man of great sense of responsibility.He has been the Big Brother to all his siblings as Grandpa passed away 16 years ago. He cares for everyone in the family - from my widowed aunt to my unmarried uncles - none escaped his attention.

Looking at him this noon on the bed really made my heart ache. When we approached the bed , his eyes were rolled up, the pupils looking above while the sclera were very obvious. I could see the His left hand was tied to the bed to stop him from pulling the drip plugs off his right hand.

*Did he want to end his life? Is his pain unbearable now? He must be....*

His BP yesterday shot up to 210/140 but thankfully it came to 170/? just now.His body now has become very frail and weak; he can hardly walk now.

I fear losing him.I could only pray for him, and God to take his pain away....


My uncle passed away peacefully on the 14th of November 2005. It's been more than a week now , and life soon settled down again. Thanks to those who has kept my uncle in their prayers.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


What is a love relationship?

A connection between two persons based on trust and understanding - of honesty and of high integrity ; not of unpure thoughts and of lies. Keeping this close to the heart until the end of the life is very challenging because we need to remind ourselves daily what true relationships and commitment really mean. It is always easy to say "I am committed to you" or "I am willing to wait" but what those golden words really mean is the ACTION that we show. In this, I believe it will all be proven in time to come.

We are accountable to our own actions because each action has a repercussion towards the people around us - therefore, these days I become more watchful over my own thoughts and actions. Never mind the distractions....