Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Wedding Bells !

I just got a shock of my life!!!

A close friend who is all along playful, ziesty and a clubber by her own right just declared to me that she is ready to get married with someone whom she started dated not too long ago... OMG!!! Ohh dear, someone in my own gang is getting married... and I'm truly truly happy for her ; is this some kind of movie-turn-real life-situation I have to deal with here?

She was telling me she will NOT mind getting married to him , well I have met this guy and he seem to be real nice though he didn't say much. So as usual, I played the devil's advocate , peppering her with many "what ifs?" -- I'm surprised she took it so easily and answered in a simple way - She is willing. But that has to be 3 to 4 years away. And now they are planning to to do som things together that only committed couples do. I'm amazed again at how much trust she puts in him , and him in her.They've been great friends for 2 years plus now, and finally probably this is the best ending ever. :)

Wow... one by one my friends are building up their happy family , while I'm still here swimming in the sea full of fish. If you need someone to plan your wedding, well I'm availing myself , dear. :) On that day, I know I'l be smiling and tearing at the same time.Can't wait to see little kids running around me , especially those with wide grins exclaiming "Aunty Mun Yee!!!" Hahahahhahaaha...


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Cant wait to be aunty eh?

  2. Oh yea , the more the merrier!!! So how many kids you're gona have to make me a super-aunt???? hehehehhehe.... Oh BTW, I'm gona make myself disappear during Christmas and CNY , just to let you know. muahahahahahahahhahaaa *evil evil*
