Thursday, June 23, 2005

Blair says

"Ideals survive through change, they die through inertia in the face of challenge." - Tony Blair in response to EU's fiasco lately.

What is the ideal of your life? Is it money? Properties? Career? Love? Most people yearn for the items mentioned; indeed they are important in wake of the ever-changing society. Personally, I find it a struggle to juggle between the need for money and career and the need to find the center of my life again. There's an urge to excel , to do more , to learn and to practice more, but somehow things always get stuck in between. Yes, money is still important , but satisfaction to know that the job is well done is even more important these days.

I ask myself daily, do I matter ? If I am no longer in this position, in this company, would it matter? Are we all indispensable or otherwise? There's been layoffs and restructuring of companies - and if we do not keep busy on our toes, can we actually survive the world out there?

Perhaps I can modify the line above : "Tough people survive through change, and the weak die through inertia in the face of challenge."

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