Sunday, October 30, 2005

Update : Lightning Striking Twice

The robber(s) went in through the front gate - a gate door made from stainless steel. Dad said they snapped it open and later pried open the wooden door as well. The whole house is in a mess again now after being searched. It happened while my cousin was in my aunt's house , so it must have happened between dinner time and 11pm. The neighbours must have heard some sounds, but decided not to help. A spirit of neighbourliness or selfishness here?

My cousin decided not to report to the police since they didn't do anything during the last time of report anyway. But at least if they report, that would add onto the statistics and HOPEFULLY ( with caps on) someone would notice the rising numbers of neighbourhood crimes. Unless someone makes an action, this case remains another number which adds on to the statistics. But my best guess would be that they would just add the number of police beats around the area ; to catch the thief would be like searching for a needle in the sea - these guys are faceless and too smooth.

Poor security everywhere nowadays. Sighhh...

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