Sunday, May 15, 2005

Been a week...

It's been a week since I last updated this site. Nothing exciting happened except that I had three nights of dinner with the same McDonald's ... and I finally realised that nothing much in this world beats Mum's homecooked food on a weeknight , right after a hard day's work. On the last night of OT last Thursday, I politely declined my boss's offer to order McDs again *actually I'm pretty bored with their menu already* and insisted that I eat dinner at home. hehehe....


Some people say do not find troubles, let troubles find you. I find that statement so true ; everyday of my life at work is basically focused on solving problems which are largely others. They say it's about improving the system. But problems come at the most unexpected times, and when you think you have found a solution to a problem, another will spring up. How ironic and how boring life can get over that!


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