Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm a Pinky!

Too bored with the frosty white and blue ; I've decided to change my blog's color to PINK. Wonder if you would see the pink color. Oh well, it's time to change after a year right? Ok, maybe it's just a little too pinkish??

The worst thing about changing the template must be the fact that it has deleted all my best links and also my links to all my friends' blogs! Now that sucks. How do I find them again??


  1. heh heh heh......juz oni the other day i changed from the pink template to the blue template.......i couldn't stand the pink-ness after 1 week.......

  2. and about the lightning strikes twice post....yea, it also happened to kok leong hse twice. It wasn't robbed but the cars at his place got stolen. first car was my car(the white kancil i'm drivin now is the second car) and then 4 mths later, his bro's iswara got stolen.....

  3. PINK! didnt know you like pink?
    alamak.... what happen to green?red?

    mm how come u became a sudden fan for daniel lee already ah?

  4. Panda : I think I'm gonna change the template as well.. it's WAY too pink for my soul ;P I'd probably do that this weekend. Hey what's the link to your blog?

    Alex: I'm not much of a Daniel Lee fan ; just putting pink for fun hehhe.... but you should try listen to his new album , not too bad really. Want it?

    People: Hey what's the link to your blogs? I've lost them all! T.T

  5. I got the album, ok lo.
    Get S.H.E album. They are really good!

  6. my link is


  7. Thanks Panda :)Now I'm going to your site to steal some blog addresses muahahahhahahahhahah:D:D:D

    Isn't it natural that guys will always favor female singers more? hahahha... Anyway Alex, I want the album!When can I get a copy of that?Hehehhehe...

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