Monday, January 31, 2005

Superman vs Dinasour ( comet mati di tengah tengah)

Something great happen since a few weeks ago, and I might add , it's revolutionary . The debate community in Asia is fighting out about so many things at the moment:
-- Money issue
-- Character of some AIDA 4s
-- Credibility of some senior adjudicators who make or break a major tournament
-- Finger pointing at certain individuals who "allegedly" are ignorant about many things such as the constitution of the debate tourney, don't know how the system works

A lot of finger-pointing and also clarification upon clarification made, but some parties are just keeping mum about the whole issue. This is so weird because apart from being "intelligent", some debaters also have a way of keeping silent when their voices are needed the most! We also see a lot of in-fightings, as well as the more influential ones forming their own gangs against one another. We have the whole Asia speaking about cronyism , chinese whispers, unfounded baseless truths (*which I think are somewhat true actually*) .

Many renowned debaters of the past and present are actually talking about it ; some write long emails that would get you carried away if you don't know what the actual situation is. It's just like Bush and Blair talk, the one who manage to tire the opponent out would eventually win the game. And lies are being told upon lies ; like Hitler said "If a lie told is big enough, long enough, and loud enough , they will become the reality." We've many liars around us; so beware.

Political game is at play on the stage , and this fight would carry itself to the All Asians Debate Championship in University Malaya this coming May 2005. We'll probably see the whole Asia trying to pound on MMU's teams ; no mercy will be shown.

*At the writing of this blog, no more emails are churned out out of the [allasiandebate] forum. Perhaps some one have put a stop to the sending out of emails in order to stop aggravating the situation further ? To know more, go to Yahoo groups and join this forum. Guaranteed better than any reality TV shows you've ever seen. And mind you , these are important issues because debaters shape the world of tomorrow.Blair and Clinton were once debaters in the Worlds. *


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