Friday, January 21, 2005

Holiday is Fantastic

It's wonderful to be having a Friday every nhow and then as a holiday. It makes people having more time with their family , their books, their life, their dogs, whatever.Some wil take this as an opportunity to go home to their kampungs ; a few of my friends are making the pilgrimage back to Kuantan and Melaka. Good la, mengeratkan silaturrahim!

As for me, I'm just chilling out at home *wow I speak like a rocker babe* , dating with my CCNA books until my Shelty comes ;( with both Mum and Dad out dating.Hehe.It's great, I get to blast my songs on my PC , take a nap on their bed as well as study a bit. Gotta finish Chapter 7 today before going out at 630pm.Jun's coming to pick me up, so no problem with dinner tonight since parents would be back later. We're going to dine in CHeras before picking Malc up ; wonder if I'm gonna meet Jun's Dad -- No No , uncle, I'm NOT after your son, and neither your son is after me , we're brother and sister! I dont mind if you take me as your god-daughter though hehe...:D

Anyway, Jun's dad is a great man. Has an impressive track record with his farm. Rabbits anyone?

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