Thursday, November 25, 2004
Why the pebble?
I know it's weird that I call myself a pebble. (I used to be in a group of friends who called outselves the Pebbles.But that's beside the point) But just
Do you feel lonely sometimes? Or perhaps you think you have the worst life in the world? You're dry and down, nothing to look forward to? You wish someone would just sit with you and listen to your problems and not bother about talking about themselves or what they think of your problem?
We sometimes feel this , occuring more so often during festivals when you see people having a great time partying, and then you wonder, why am I feeling so down deep inside? Why am I not like them? Or perhaps you're standing in a noisy crowd but feeling lonely and sad ? The crowd can't cheer you up? Is there something wrong with with the crowd or is it you?
I've this feeling sometimes of not fitting in, but sticking out like a sore thumb. We go through this sometimes in every part of our lives, our family, our job, our relationships. We find no satisfaction in whatever we do, or we have broken relationships. Our lives feel dry and we are exhausted on the long and hard life journey.
A friend said, one pebble cannot fill another pebble up, nor satisfy it. The pebbles need each other, but they still could not satisfy that inner most desires of their lives. The pebbles need water ; we need the LIVING water.
Jesus offers himself as the LIVING water for everyone.
Jesus said:"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28 -NIV) Jesus also said "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, "Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water." (John 4:10)
We often look at other sources for the fulfillment of our desires, and we wonder why they cannot be fulfilled. Humans have desires, because God gave them to us. However, God also wants us to look for Him first before looking at others as a source of fulfillment. We tend to look for answers in things like fengshui, 'prophets' , geomancy, fortune tellers, or stretch out for friends and family members for answers.
Isn't it time to look for the answer at THE source itself?
If I'm the pebble, you are the...?
I sit inside a glass
I feel very empty
Sounds so hollow in this glass
When I speak there's only echo
When I'm silent , I hear nothing
Gosh , I yearn for a company!
How would it feel if there are other's like me
Would I feel happier
Would I cheer
Would I never fear
Would I be merrier?
Then another pebble came into my life
We look like one another
We speak pebble's language
We do things normal pebbles do
We sometimes insult each other too
Soon 1 became 2, 2 became 8, 8 became 100
There's many pebbles in the glass now
It's almost full
I hear a deafening sound
Pebbles' gibberish pebbles' squibbles
and now as I sit here
I realise there's no difference
So many pebbles around me
How come I can still hear the word 'lonely'
I dont feel happy
I still feel empty.
One day , someone poured water into the glass
The empty spaces disappeared around me
And I begin to see
It's all because I never had the water
The living water in me.
I'm back!
Ohh.. go watch The Incredibles please, it's a great show. I cant help but loving Helen Parr, she's so human(she got a big butt like many of us), lovable ( like our pets) and heroic ( like mum).Won't do a review here, but I like the way they presented the movie: It's an animation but with a strong focus on its family story. It's very much like my own family at times, how my mum always shouts so that we go to our dinner tables, how my parents "talk" to each other sometimes, how I behave when I was young, and sometimes also now.. hehe.Great show by Pixar.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
When I was at your age, I'd...
Tom Cruise might be the most eligible metrosexual guy on the outside , but who knows what problem he has on the inside?
Paris Hilton might be Guess girl, heiress of Hilton chain of hotels, gorgeous babe whom every men covets and every woman would love to hate.But I'm just wondering what's her biggest problem - would it be the zits? The money? The boy she admires? The simple life she wish she has?
Everyone has a problem, and we wish we'd live in someone else's life. Someone better than us, someone who's more beautiful, richer, more famous, smarter, funnier, (sarcatic-ier???) , the list of superlatives goes on... and so is our appetite for better living. We bat our eyelids when we see a young executive driving the latest Merc class-S or the BMW 7-series, we'd be gossiping that perhaps this girl has a rich sugar daddy or the guy has a golden spoon in his mouth when he was born, but in the same time wishing secretly in our heart that it was us behind that wheel, and not that rich-spoilt-brat. Ever felt that way? Hands up! You're not the only one.
In our pursue of good living, we almost certainly tell ourselves everyday that success only comes with hardwork, perseverance,alot of sweat,blood and tears.That's what our grandma and our parents used to tell us. "When i was ur age, I used to ..." - cook, clean, sweep, walk 10 miles a day - all suggesting that we , the younger generation has no idea what life is all about.There's no hardship in our lives ; we barely need to know how to cook our own meals cos there's always McDs , nor do we need to sweat under the sun because we have the air-conds in cars, if not LRTs. Our maids take care of our clothes , we save the time of washing and ironing to "do better things" such as playing online games or watching Astro.Guilty of that too?
Somehow , the past generation believes that you gotta be sad, down and out in order to achieve happiness in the end. All our books says so, how we have to endure pain to achieve happiness. Maybe the time has changed. Maybe some people has happiness readily in their lives. Not by hardship, but by grumbling less and appreciating simple things in their lives . I need to learn that too.
Friday, November 19, 2004
What u doing this Christmas???``
Last year's Christmas and this year's would be totally different , cos last year not single.. this year I've plenty of time to plan and spend with my family. A cousin suggested that I cook for them, (God ,how do u stuff the stuffings into the un-stuffed turkey before u stuff it into the oven?) so I started giving them reasons why i SHOULD NOT cook for them - no oven at home la... no experience in cooking la.... dont wana mess up ur appetite la... dun wana mess up the kitchen la.. bla bla bla...
but then again, i think cooking would be cool... with the whole bunch of family and cousins together... well it doesnt have to be great, it just has to be good so everyoen in the famiy can come and celebrate Christ in a traditional way... Maybe i should make bread and butter pudding + lasagna (ask Sam to teach) , and probably a turkey... stuffed with something.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
On Gandalf's wisdom
Wise Gandalf says, "So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
People ask this all the time:
1. Why this bad thing only happens to me?
2. Why God punish newborn babies and young children by inflicting them with illness, allowing them to have a hole in the heart,leave them crippled with AIDS?
3. Why would God allow famine and floods, lost of lives, wars,sickness?
4. Is there a God? Or is it just man-made image of a superbeing who don't really care?
I hope these questions come into your mind once in a while, stinging you to your core. They often come to me, and I still have no direct answers about them. But I do get clues of answers by reading the book of Job, and by having faith that God will restore.
We often blaim the circumstances and react hostile towards them, feeling that injustice has been done against us.( I do have that feeling sometimes.) However, a wise man says, we cant chart the course of the wind, but we can change the direction of our sail. We choose what we want to do, how we want to react to the given circumstance - for the benefit of the parties involved. There's no point in blaiming others for what has happened because pointing fingers can only help you to aggravate the situation even more.
All we do is just step up in faith , and pray God will deliver, yet again.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Would appreciate if you drop a comment if you find something interesting to share with me on this humble blog. It'll at least tell me that I'm not really writing into the thin air.. heheh... so much for self-confidence.Thanks.
Love alot from me,
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Jesus the Baptist
We had the privilige to listen to Mr David Pawson, a renowned evangelist-pastor-author on Sunday in FGA.This blessed man of God spoke of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which such grace and simplicity, anyone in the church would understand it instantly.
According to David, we must understand the Trinity of God by understanding the threesome -
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Most of the time we only
understand God the Father and God the SOn, but seldom do we actually speak of
the Holy Spirit, even though it's as important as the former.
We constantly hear about John the Baptist at the River of Jordan during Jesus's
time.John baptised with water - as a way to clean our sinful past and make us
new beings again, whiter as white. It can clean our past but can't KEEP us that
way. That's why Jesus spoke of the holy Spirit which will be our guide when He
leaves us for Heaven. How many of us actually heard about Jesus being spoken as
Jesus the Baptist? He baptises with the Holy Spirit - read book of Acts(120
people including his discliples and Mother Mary got baptised in the Spirit and
instantly spoke in tongues)
Conditions of Baptism of the Water:
1.Confess yur sins - specific sins
2.Put right whatever you have to - repentance
There's 3 theories of the happening of Pentecost:
1. Sacramental view :Pentecost is a one-off event.Happened only once during the
baptism of the 120 people , and therefore now Holy Spirit has been transfered to
the church.You will receive the Holy Spirit from church through the
sacraments.This means that Roman Catholics receive their Holy Spirit when a
new-born baby is baptised and Anglicans receive theirs during confirmation of
the faith.
However, David argues that this also means that Jesus isnt the Baptist , but
it's the church.He quite disagreed with that.
2. Evangelical view :Pentecost only happened on four occasions , to the Jews,
Samaritans(Acts 10),Gentiles(Acts 10) and his disciples(Acts 14).It is said that
when you give your life to Jesus(at the point of accepting Jesus as personal
saviour), you receive the Holy Spirit.
However , David noted that this means the Spirit is not being poured out or
flown from then on.
3. Pentecostal view:The Holy Spirit is for all. Jesus Christ still baptises every day.It's a
privilige to receive the gift from Holy Spirit.
Which is your belief? Read the bible to find out what is the truth.Check out this links for answers on your doubts: I only pray that I may be water-baptised soon before I'm baptised by the Holy Spirit.
Do you know who Warren Buffett and Charles Munger is?
Read an comic-biography about him in MPH .. pretty gutsy fellow who followed his analytical mind and sound logic rather than basic instincts when it comes to investment of his money.I've got to get hold of one of his theory books one of these days.. now I'm just too loaded with other books in the backlog..Can't even buy David Pawson... dang! Gotta make a list of wishlist books to get for myself.
1.David Pawson - Unlocking the Bible
2.Warren Buffet - ...
3. Ben Graham - The Intelligent Investor
Wow.. Midvalley was just swarmed with people yesterday!Celebrating Raya in KL looks more popular than balik kampung for the Chinese community.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Where's the book?!!!
Where's the book?????Can't find it! Cant find ittttt!
It's one of my favourite books- The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel....and I CANT FIND IT!!!!!!!!
Did I leave it somewhere? Did someone take it from me? can't it be just disappearing from the face of earth just like that , right? :( :( :(
Why is the book so important? Well. It's a book for sceptics like me who want to know the evidence that Christ is who He claimed He is. A friend introduced that book to me, and since then I think that's one of the great books I read about the evidence of Christ.His birth,works , resurrection.Miracles performed by him.What the biblical scholars says.What historians says.What sceptics say.
If you have stinging Qs about God and you doubt Jesus's reality, check this book out. Now should I get another copy of this book? Hmm..
Things we all take for granted
2. Happy relationship
3. Our health
4. Our own body
5. A peaceful country
6. A supply of friends
7. A peace of mind
Sunday, November 14, 2004
An evening rendezvous in KL city
Dinner in the Ship is nice.... I had something called Flambee Fillet Au Brandy, no idea wat it was... just pakai order je,and when it arrived it was in flames!!! The meat tastes good, tender and juicy, covered with a layer of mushroom sauce seasoned with brandy .. delicious. can't really tahan the sauce at first, but when it's dipped by the tender meat, the combination is fabulous.We also had escargots in garlic and cheese sauce .. was great but I felt the meat was a bit soft, perhaps they left it too long in the oven.I loved seafood to be a bit chewy and tangy... umm also had Oxtail Soup. How come I can have so much in just a nite? Ohh yeah, I skipped lunch!
Sis bought us Haagen Daaz ice-cream.... ooooOOOooooOOOoo~~ I had Rum and Raisins... smooth and creamy aka YUMMY! The one sis had was something brandy with blueberry.. which tasted more like medicine, she said. hahah. U never go wrong with Rum and Raisins , peeps!
Did some ppl watching as well, was watching this Chinese man from China doing his thing with the brush.. only rm10 per pc. Pics later(u know how slowwwwwwwwwwwww dial up can be?)
One bunch of Chinese yuppies(20++) all dressed up to visit the nearest clubhouse was standing by, torn between a "Happy Birthday"wish or "fung tou pit yeng"(gamble all win all) for their fren . sounds abit corny- hehhehe~
Heyy... yesterday I missed out my Fav Fab 5 on the TV!!! :(
Saturday, November 13, 2004
A word for you.
Do you live for yourself or for someone else?
Do you put your own happiness above others?
Do you think being like this is noble?
You hide behind your smile
You hope no one will find your true self
Your voice speaks of pain
Your expression crying out in silence
You hope they never see you
You think no one notices
But your tears continue to fall
Your sleepless nights prevail
I hope you are well
I pray you get back to your feet
Like a son who lost his mother
A daughter her father
Life must go on
Eventually it will
Winter never stays long enough
Spring always comes next January
There are no more words left
No more things to be uttered
Tear ducts have become dry
The heart is recovering
Forgiveness is the key.
Arafat's funeral
For those of you who missed it , well here's the account of what had happened:
A few helicopters flew in from Cairo, Egypt after a very grand and dignified funeral held by the Egyptian Government in honour of their homeland freedom-fighting child who claimed he was born in Israel, not in Egypt.World leaders thronged in dozens to pay him their last respect while secretly wishing there may be peace in return for his death, probably.
Anywya, the choppers flew in, carrying Arafat's body , his family members and dignitaries who had accompanied him all the way.When they landed, gosh.. the commotion was horrendous!So many people just rushed into the compound , disallowing the casket to be brought into the actual burial site.People just shoved and pushed one another, some even fired their guns but NO ONE EVEN FLINCHED!!!! Are they not afraid of death or are they just used to the sound of the gun fire? I'm not sure if this is the nature of the people in Palestine , but the next leader must know he has a tough job on his agenda - beginning with instilling order and reducing fear amongst his people. With the continued violence in that area, peace is not going to come soon.
Friday, November 12, 2004
1. A girl friend tells me she is rushing for a date with her boyfriend.
2. A male friend makes a move.
3. I hear my favourite song on radio.
4. The rainbow is bending its edge in a land far far away.
5. I could feel the warmth of the morning sun.
6. Tiny raindrops hit my face.
7. I see my favourite car on the road - especially the yellow one!
8. The next day is a holiday.
9. I'm eating my favourite ice-cream -- rumm rumm...
10. Someone tells me I'm good looking / pretty / gorgeous --> I know they r lying hahaha
Salvation is here
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
The tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fel
lWhere can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
Chopstick Wonders
Anyway, for those who wana learn how to do the hair with a chopstick (either to entertain themselves or to entertain their gfs), it's simple. Get the chopstick first and then twist your hair around it as tightly as possible.The push it up and then down. After everything is done, then shake ur head up and down to test if it's OK. voila~
I never thought I could do it, hahaha so proud of myself :) Always admired people like Effie who could do it so effortlessly with a chopstick. She looked pretty neat too! Might bun the hair in office in place of the plain old rubber band sometimes when I'm in a good mood :) Hope to achieve some different look other than the average Plain Jane look. If you're plannin to safe some money on the monthly visit to the hairstylist, you may chosse to keep it long like me.Other options : coloring,highlighting or rebonding(i.e. straightening- i need Vic Chiang to tell me this haha-)
Arr finally, also bought a pair of sport shoes . Time to do away with the old Reebok as their soles are so badly torn I've to resort to cut them off using a knife in order not to trip. Now I've no reason NOT to hit the gym right?!!!Squash anyone?
There's a few firsts today:
1. Own a tank top
2. Walk around Ikano
3. Eat the famous Swedish meatballs(yummy~)
Yasser Arafat in passing
Darn.. this is the second time I'm writing this. If a power surge happens again I'll kill this PC!
Yasser Arafat(1929-2004) passed away peacefully today, may he find peace.As I'm writing this, CNN is broadcasting the 'live' telecast of Yasser Arafat being sent to the France military airbase.His official funeral will be held in Cairo, Egypt before being flown to Ramallah, West Bank which will be his final resting place. Seen in the TV was Suha, Arafat's 41-year old wife who was living in France luxuriously for 3 years with their daughter but without her husband.
There were claims that she was protecting her husband without a cause,preventing the Palestinian high officials from seeing her husband before he passed away.She claimed they are here to bury her husband alive. It was pretty absurd on why she did so; it was very cumbersome because these are her husbands' colleagues,comrades,friends.Rumors had it that she was doing this because of the assets worth about US$1 billion belonging to Arafat.But then again, if the money doesn't go to her , who will it go to??? And doing all this wil only make the sick man sadder , already he had his own illness to take care of.If he did not die because of a sickness , he would because of the controversy.May God bless his soul and forgive his sins.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Holiday today~
Going vegetarian food in town now, maybe will watch a movie later with family... :) The Incredibles sound great~~
Ohh btw, North Indians' Deepawali is on tomorrow, not today. The Southern Indian's is!
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
What requirement hasn't been met?
"He isn't a Christian."
" Aiii.. easy la... ask him to convert!!!"
"Don't want la.... not sincere."
"Aikk... convert cos of love also not sincere???"
"First the guy must have the love for God... then only he must love me...Because someone who loves God will automatically love his woman~"
:) "I'm complicated.Too much of things on this head of mine."
"ooo.. I'm the opposite - I'm simple."
"Good for u. Being simple is good."
"Being simple, people will find it boring~"
"Depends la... not easy being simple and be happy being simple."
"Dunno la last time i used to think being materialistic is good."
"Then now?"
"Then think think again being materialistic hard to be stress i think moderately is better.No need so stress, no need think so much, no need get frustrated."
"You think in the next ten years , you can say the same?"
On a Holiday Eve~
Hmm.. Deepavali.... festival of lights! Hey friends, where's the murukku?!!! Ru invite me to your open house?
So how are you going to spend your holiday? :)
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Monday What Did I do?
1. Get quotes for a laser printer.Send emails out and see who replies to you.
2. Plant's lease line down - have to change many configurations for the server and the router for emails to work.
3. A switch won't work for some reason and after troubleshooting for some time, you realise that it's not worth it anymore, so just throw it away.
4.Flirt , flirt and flirt! Cute engineers are hard to come by hahahha.... That's the best part of being single...
Being single also gets you into being asked when you're getting married, who is your prospect, who you think is attractive in the company, why this /that guy is not suitable for you.Plus all the advices in the world of "girls' beauty is limited", "we don't want our colleagues to work until they can't find a partner" and "this guy is a very good guy, you'll regret if you don't take him".
Tell me, how do you keep true to yourself while listening to the advices of the more "enlightened" ones? They seem to confuse, one will say it's time to concentrate in your career and the other says it is important to find one. One friend told me , she is looking for a Godly man. I guess I'm after that same kind of man. Let God decide la...
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Saturday Nite In~
I tink Paul is quite a cool guy .Here's a short biography about him : A Kiwi who was playing for Aishah in her Aishah and the Fan Club, and then came to Malaysiaku to play some music . He was looking for just of change of environment and opportunities when he found his wife and therefore decided to stay in this country for good. Since he is in this place,he decided to do some serious work for the local haemorraging music industry. Roped in by Ahmad Izham(chief of 8TV), now he is the Network Brand Director of the station. Thank him for the great Idol shows, the fresh outlook on a local Malaysian channel and for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy(what am i gonna do without Fab 5 on a Saturday night?)I'd love to see him play the Devil's Advocate more in coming years in Malaysian Idol.
Another story was about antibiotics and how adversely it can affect humankind if not properly dispensed under the guidance of professional doctors. Try not to eat antibiotics if you don't have to. If you have fever or flu, that might not be caused by bacterias but by virus which can't be killed by antibiotics. So , instead of popping pills, u might decide to sleep or take precautionary methods - healthy food, exercise,clear mind and most importantly, lots of love.
Well, as I'm writing this, MMU's 36-hour Longest Debate is going on at KL Tower until Sunday,7th Nov 2004 ,9pm. I'm going tomorrow. Gonna be fun watchin' the pros battle it all out.Going to meet Rudy and YH also tomorrow at MV.Haven't seen Rudy in a long time, miss him much :) Wonder how he and Mona is going on? hehe...
I think a few guy friends are also enjoying themselves in the S.H.E Concert at Bukit Jalil. Hope they manage to shake hands with Selina, Hebe and/or Ella.Guys, show me the pics!
Ohh, was watching Miss Astro Chinese International Pagent --- someone with the same surname as myself didn't win. Dad was hoping she wins something cos of this "bau bau bacang" thingie...
$1,000,000 Q: What do you think contemporary Malaysian Chinese women lack the most?Why?
a. Nothing - They are the greatest,for example, me!(not me, but the contestant)
b. Confidence - Be like me and get yourself an application form to be Miss Chinese International 2005.
c. Courage - Get a divorce from your husband if he ain't treating you right.
Who would you choose to crown? I mean, come on! One of them are gonna represent US - the generation of smart, witty, beautiful, genuine Malaysian Chinese girls - to the world!!! How more pretentious can you get then by giving answers like the above?!!! I should be the one up there answering if I didnt have those fats bulging , hehe. OK, it's time to get a snack. Cote d'Or chocolate seems like a good choice.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
The Sardine vs Tuna Experience
1. Malaysians never loses out in the kiasu-ism business; we match the Singaporeans.
2.Rain does not deter one from being in a party ; being umbrella-less does.
3.We don't need guys to get us a drink ; a girl can - but she must not be straight.
4.Cleo is not only read by young girls any age from 12-30 but also by men aged 18-50. Men are not only pulled by their respective girlfriends or sisters; they come to oogle at girls. Perhaps they also come alone in hope to get 'lucky'?
5.Fat Fabs isnt just fat, he also has a weird way of laughing!And he is a sexist.
6. The goodie bags may not worth as much as you think it is ; they are worth RM 0 if you don't use any of the stuffs inside . Whoever uses Nivea Visage products can always let me know; am glad to give it away.
7. Don't bother wearing makeups on parties like this ; it only melts when your under stress such as a pushy crowd, a non-stop rain and plenty of sweat on your forehead.
8. To win any prize (for guys) , you have to be able to do the most honourable things in the world such as being kissed by another girl when your girlfriend is in the party and do limbo rock with excessive burden at your chest(go figure how) .
9.To win any prize (for girls), you have to do the most daring things in the world such as parading with a wok, a broom, a kuali or a toilet pump with pride like Miss Universe, strut your stuff on the stage , being entangled with 5 other girls trying to get out of the holla-hoop, and cross your fingers after that in hope that another girl don't overtake you.
10. Never hope to win in a lucky draw. You are never THAT lucky!
Friday, November 05, 2004
A good workout in office
Had to carry so many units of UPS - each S-UPS 500 which is about 14kgs each , not to mention plugging them under the thick heavy layer of dust!!!!!!!!
Ok let's backtrack a little to why I'm in this state: A few units of PC went crazy two weeks ago ; refusing to communicate to a different subnet and also to the Internet . Tried troubleshooting them for a few days and nothing turns up(as expected). No sharewares, no adwares, no virus.Last resort : change NIC -- voila~everything works fine. D*ll Engineer came and changed the motherboard . He even commented that this happens in many units of D*ll but the Customer Support rep named Kev* said that this isn't true. Anyway, D*ll makes so much money every year, what is the price of a piece of motherboard for them right?
So anyway, fastfwd to the present. OK, now that I'm rested and have drank enough water and exercised my fingers on the keboard, I'm going back to bury myself under that layer of grey snow again. Ohhh , 30 minutes to parteeeyyyyy time!Yippee!
*Names have been changed to protect privacy
It's ZOUK tonite ...! I'll see you there! How did I get the free pass?
1. Listen to your colleague about the latest happenings in KL eventhough your colleague isnt from KL itself .Shame :(
2. Rush to the nearest buidling to get a copy of your Cleo magazine eventhough it's raining cats and dogs.
3.Call your best cousin to find out if she has the latest copy of Cleo. Pray she don't throw it away so that you dont have to proceed to Step 4.
4. Do a search at the rubbish dump.
5. Drive around your neighbourhood , search ALL shops including the mamaks, the ah peks' stores and the good ol' 7-11s. Now it's known why my neighbourhood needs TWO 7-11 instead of ONE.
6. Get a friend to drive u there with a Benz so you will look like a supermodel!!! :D
Cheers!!! Happy birthday Cleo!I'm waiting to get the goodie bag wahahhahahahahhaha~
From ,
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Ohh my first day as a blogger~
Finally I got my own blog. Never really wanted to have this cos a close aide ( i.e my good friend) told me it invades his privacy. Anyway, so many things happened today : but the most importantly: BUSH was re-elected thanks to Ohio , Kerry lost out as a good gentleman and concedes his defeat well as he called Bush to congratulate him. 20 Electoral votes do mean a lot , especially when the tie yesterday was 254-252 in favour of Bush.God bless America? No, God bless us all....